Monday, October 4, 2010

Miso-Sauteed Pork

Someone explain to me why this is called  'MISO-Sauteed Pork'?!

serves 1
1 1/2 oz thinly sliced pork belly
1/2 onion, sliced
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Mixture A:
1 tsp grated garlic
2 tsp Doubanjiang (Chinese chili paste)
1 tsp Hoisin sauce
Mixture B:
1 tbsp sake
1 tbsp soy sauce
dash sugar
dash pepper

1. Cut pork into bite-size pieces. 
2. Heat oil in a pan and cook pork slowly at medium heat until crsispy.  Add mixture A and stir.  Add onions and saute until tender.  Add mixture B and stir-fry for 15-20 seconds. 
3. Serve over rice of udon noodles.

1 comment:

  1. After I saw this post, I wanted to cook it. I went out and bought some onions but forgot to get pork. Duh.

    My guess is that since Doubanjiang is made with soy beans and is more or less the same thing as miso, he calls it miso-sauteed pork.


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