Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bell Pepper Egg-In-A-Hole

Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart
Serves 2
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 bell pepper, cut into two 1/2 inch-thick rings
2 large eggs
salt & pepper
2 slices of whole wheat english muffin, toasted

In a medium cast-iron or nonstick skillet, heat 1/2 teaspoon oil over medium-high. Add bell pepper, then crack 1 egg into the middle of each pepper ring. Season with salt and pepper and cook until egg whites are mostly set but yolks are still runny, 2 to 3 minutes. Gently flip and cook 1 minute more for over easy. Place each egg on a slice of english muffin.  Sprinkle grated parm cheese before serving (optional).

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