Sunday, April 10, 2011

March 2011

...sharing some photos from my trip to Korea back in March.


  1. You went to Korean in March!!! I'm so jealous! And I see that you went to Pusan yah!? I want to try the delicacy on the 4th picture.

  2. Hi MK,
    Yep, I was in Korea for a wedding. Took a day trip to Busan where I finally tried live octopus! :)

  3. live octopus!!! How was it!? I don't have the guts to try yet :p

  4. Wonderful shots. Are those cutlass fish in the last shot? What's in those little sweets?

  5. Hi Ai,
    Yep, those are cutlass fish. Total cutlass fish galore, right? And those little sweets are called pulbbang. They are filled sweet red bean paste. Sorta like taiyaki but softer texture.


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