Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pickled Lotus Root

1 medium lotus root, peeled and sliced into 1/4 inch slices
1/2 medium beet, peeled and clied into 1/2 inch slices
1 cup very hot tap water
1/2 cup rice-wine vinegar
6 tbsp sugar
2 1/4 tsp kosher salt
10 peppercorns
Boil 2 cups of water with a few pinches of salt.  Add sliced lotus roots and cook for 2 minutes.  Drain and rinse with cold water.
In a large bowl, add 1 cup of water, sliced beets, and lotus roots.  Let it sit for a few minutes.
In a mason jar or plastic container, add above and cover with brine.
48 hours later...
They will look like this! Pretty, huh?

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