Thursday, October 20, 2011


Here are some photos from my Peru trip...
Machu Picchu

with my Inca Trail trekking team
Mercado Central in Cuzco


  1. Machu Picchu is beautiful! Looks like a great trip - how long were you there for?

  2. OMG, lucky you! Will you be writing about the experience, too? Are people very shy over there? The last photo is the cutest thing I've seen in a while!

  3. Su-Lin, I was in Peru for 12 days. I actually did the 4 day hike to Machu Picchu. :) It was one of the most amazing experiences ever. If you haven't been to Peru, I highly recommend it!
    Ai, hmmm...maybe I'll write about it. ;)

  4. Hi June, Im with Ai. The last photo is the cutest Ive ever seen. The little girl is just so adorable with the baby goat carried in the sling AWWWWWWWWW . I hope you will write more of your Peru experience. its one of the destinations that my husband and I plan to do one day as soon as our daughter grows up to a right age we will do it :)


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