Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chicken with Broccoli Stems

Recipe adapted from Iron Chef Chen Kenichi's Stir-fried Chicken with Green Asparagus

No asparagus at the farmer's market today.  Whenever I make an unintentional mistake at work and start having a panic attack, my boss tells me there's always another way to resolve the issue.  No asapragus?  Yes broccoli stems!

I'll put up the recipe later this week.


  1. that's a really good idea. I once went to grocery store, and had to change my dinner plan cuz their asparagus were all dying and had flies all around them. next time I'll use brocolli stems!

  2. Roadluna, have you tried broccoli stem kimchi? I had it once at a Korean restaurant. It took me a while to figure what it was, but I remember it being really tasty.

  3. That sounds like a very good idea substituting with brocolli stem for asparagus. I'll try that next time.

  4. My asparagus died and shrunk in the fridge last week. My bad...

    Sounds like you have such a cool boss!!!

  5. Cuteandcurls - you should definitely try it. I think I prefer the stems over the florets now.
    Aixxx - yep, my boss is pretty awesome. :-)

  6. i always preferred stems over florets! GOD brocolli stem kimchi!!! that sounds like an innovation. i must try it somehow!


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